Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm Layin on Sunshine

We has a kitty room in our house with LOTZ of windows.  Here's us working on our tans last weekend...

Conway Kitty

Mr Toes


 And why isn't Buster in the sunshine??

I'm workinz on my Cattitude!


  1. Little pink tongue! Our the Mom is going SQUEEEEE right now!

  2. What great sunpuddles. Don't get french fried!

  3. Hai!
    It iz nice to meets you! We learned about you from our furriend, Huffle Mawson's bloggie. Welcome to da Cat Blogosphere!

    We will try to stops by frum time to time. We heard dat your beans was purrty rude and abandonded your blogging dooties to get married. We unnerstands. Dat happens to us sumtimes too...our beans get 'buzy' and furgets we cums furst!

    Anyway, we iz allus glad to meet noo kittehs and make furriends!

  4. Hi Kitties! We also came over from Huffle's blog - it is so nice to meet all of you!! We think it stinks that you got abandoned for a while - but it is great that you are here for us to meet now!!

  5. Such handsome boys!...Enjoy the sunbeams sweet friends...Happy Friday...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  6. We think Buster already has his cattitude down pat. MOL!

    Great pics; have a wonderful weekend!

  7. we think you already got the cattitude mastered!

  8. heh heh...we like a Cat that says "phthbt"!

    Way to go Buster...

  9. Snoozing in the sun is the BEST! Looks like you have lots of new friends to play with now, kitties.

  10. Oh you kitties all look so very happy napping in the super sun. What great pictures. Nice to meet you. We really like your blog.
    Have a really fine week end.
