Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lazy Hooman!!

It's been an entire week since we posted and checked out other kitty blogs!!  Our Hoomans got way too lazy this week (we've been harassing them constantly!!).  SisHooman has been selling her wedding stuff this week (yay, we'll soon have a water fountain) and has been to busy for US (imagine!!). 

We have a couple of awards to catch up on this week and lots of kitty blogs to read (we're gonna just sit on the hooman if she gets lazy again).  So here's some pics of us from this week until we can do a 'normal' post.

Conway & Toes Sunday Smackdown

One of Conway's many boxes

Best Buddies
Hooman Say Whaaaat?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Our First Award

Yay! - Our First Bloggie Award - we are so excited!!

Rule 1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
Cheers and Thank You to all the Kitties & Hooman at the Katnip Lounge!

Rule 2. Share 9 things about yourself.

1. Stretch really wishes he was still an only kitty
2. Toes thinks every visitor that comes to the house is there expressly to see him
3. Conway usually spots 'outside' kitties from the window before the other kitties do and slinks out of the room with BIGTAIL before the riot starts
4. Buster is still struggling with his peeing outta the box problem (he's going back to the V-E-T later this month)
5. Stretch has the loudest purrer out of all the kitties
6. Toes likes to watch the hoomans get ready in the bathroom in the morning
7. Conway loves to play with Q-Tips and steals them off the counter
8. Buster feels the affects of the 'nip' more than the other kitties (Toes is a close second)
9. All 4 kitties heard Mom/Sis say something about buying a drinking fountain for them after the wedding.  
Any kitties or hoomans out there have suggestions for an affordable fountain that has held up well for you?

Rule 3. Pass this along to 9 other bloggers! 

Mom/Sis was looking through our new friends' blogs and so many of you already have this award.  If anyone is missing it, please accept it from us and we'll get to find out more about you :) !
Have a wonderful day everyone!!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tail Game!! (with Toes & Stretch)

So I was sitting around last night and was a little bored

I looked up and saw Stretch and asked him if he wanted to play the tail game

Stretch and his mommy invented The Tail Game several years ago.  Stretch flicks his tail (in your face, at your hands, etc) and then you hold onto it for awhile and let it go - it can go on for HOURS!  Since I don't have a tail I LOVE this game and Stretch is nice enough to play it with me . (Stretch here, I actually just like to antagonize him and make him jealous of my fabulous tail).

Here's some pics of our game...

Yay for the Tail Game!!!  I can't wait to play again.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm Layin on Sunshine

We has a kitty room in our house with LOTZ of windows.  Here's us working on our tans last weekend...

Conway Kitty

Mr Toes


 And why isn't Buster in the sunshine??

I'm workinz on my Cattitude!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pirate Toes

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Matey!!!  Dad's gonna need a new leg after I nom nom nom this one off.  Shouldn't there be a parrot on my shoulder?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is it Caturday Yet?

Oh wait, EVERYday is Caturday!

My Big Feet & Kitty Treats

Conway here -
I just wanted to show everybody my BIG back rabbit feet.  SisHooman was trying to get us all together for a group picture so she picked me up in the cuddle or die grip (I like to sit really still in that position for awhile and then DIG all my claws into whoever has a hold of me and then get away, hehehehehehe).  Don't I have super cool big back feet?? 

So while we was getting corraled for the pics Sis had the kitty treats out.  I had one right on my arm but didn't notice it!!! I was licking the inside of the bottle!!! 

Wordless Wednesday with Toes

Mewsings on Season Change

Stretch here –
I don’t know about you other kitties, but we do NOT like it when it gets too warm outside. First, there’s a few days of being so hot we can’t move and just kind of lay on the floor all spread out and then the hoomans give up and turn on the cool air blowie things. But then our windows get closed!! We LOVE our windows and this gets us quite depressed and we’re in moping around the house phase. *sigh*